Connecting to Divine Source in Yin Yoga

Healing the magical way.

Helena Anne
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself


Amanda Bowen at All Things Must Pass. Photo credit: Dr Amanda Bowen

I believe it’s possible to connect to Divine Source in a really good yoga class. I say this as I am repeatedly having this experience in amazing Amanda’s mystical yin yoga class at my wonderful yoga centre All Things Must Pass, run by the beautiful goddess that is Lorraine Amiri.

I only discovered this place last year when it rose like a gift from the gods while I was in deep grief after losing my beautiful doggie best friend and soul mate Lola. This place played a big part in my recovery.

If you have experienced grief, you will know it’s like being a bit lost in space at times, not knowing which way to turn to escape the pain, process your feelings or find a bit of peace.

Fortunately, I found this little piece of nirvana to help me through, with its diverse range of classes and events, not to mention the wonderful new friends I have made here, all of which have helped restore me to nearly full health.

It’s Amanda’s yin yoga class where I keep finding myself in a mystical other-worldly place where I can access support and healing energy from somewhere magical that enables me to process my pain and receive deep healing. It feels so enchanting, loving and safe, I genuinely believe I am connecting to Divine Source.



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