Control Before Issue

Know where you stand…

Ryan Barker
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
1 min readNov 4, 2022


Photo by Andrey Zvyagintsev on Unsplash

When that cabin door closes
And the heart starts to pound
The feet screw in
“…here we go”
Nowhere to run
Except head-first…
Into who you really are

When Spring lungs squeeze and tighten
And the darkness closes in
Thick, suffocating darkness
Nowhere to hide
The truth always finds you

When the gavel slams down
And you’re sentenced to life
With all its conditions
Nowhere to go…
Except deeper into the experience

Let it crawl
Let it creep
As it approaches your chest…neck…
Let yourself quiver
Then settle
Sinking deeper —
Deeper into the conversation

Now you’re in ‘control’.
And only now!?
I have you here…
What do I do with you??

Basque in high level conversation…
Then ask another question

Control before issue.

You’ve been taken for a ride
But you’re ok with it
With who you are

Getting across the hot coals
With full-thickness burns
Isn’t getting anywhere

Know where you stand
On a bed of nails
Or a bed of roses
Doesn’t matter —
True discernment
Is what gets you anywhere
Is what renders you actually ‘there’ when you’re there

Control before issue
Know where you stand

