Creating Your Own Path

Friday prompt — “You were born to create”

Mariana Gls
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
3 min readFeb 6, 2021


Photo by ryota nagasaka on Unsplash

The Cambridge Dictionary’s definition of the verb “to create is “to make something new, or invent something”. “Creativity” thus simply refers to the ability to do so.

We tend to relate these words with artistic activities such as painting, playing music, writing. But if being able to create involves being artistic, then we’re all artists in some way.

As a matter of fact, our lives started from creation. Then, even before being born, we had already created all sorts of emotions in the people around us. Hope, happiness, joy, fear, and so on.

At school, we started out as artists. Drawing, coloring, painting; singing, playing the triangle, the drums.

Quickly, we got used to inventing new games to play with our friends in the playground. We learned to come up with brand-new ideas for teasing our siblings. Some of us also became experts in finding new ways of clowning around to play the gallery.

Growing up, there was more to creating than drawing and playing music. The educational system expected us to invent stories for a language class assignment; to share our personal opinions of literary works, choosing the correct words to express them. We had to brainstorm ideas of what the correct answer might be to a specific exam question, to innovate on plausible excuses for why we hadn’t done our homework.

I remember how some of my classmates always came up with amazing cheating techniques. While some printed the main points of the lesson and pasted them on their bottle label, others wrote the answers on one side of a banana peel. I’ve never been the type of student that would cheat on tests or skip doing homework, but hey, these guys were actual artists!

Artist: someone who creates things with great skill and imagination. — Cambridge Dictionary

We keep reading articles about improving our creativity, we complain about new generations not being able to do creative stuff that does not involve social media or watching series and TV shows.

But we’ve been creating throughout our whole lives. When we speak, cook, read; when we come up with bedtime stories for our siblings or children; while we’re at work trying to find ways to perform or improve a task, and even when we solve personal problems. As leaders, teachers, parents, even friends; we help create new dreams, inspirations, hopes. Without realizing it, we’re almost always in a process of creation.

“The desire to create is one of the deepest yearnings of the human soul.” — Dieter F. Uchtdorf

Life is all about creating. You may take time off from your main creative activities, yet you’d still be creating memories, both for you and those around you. You may have decided that you’re not a creative person, yet you’ll undeniably end up creating an impact, big or small. You can only choose whether it will be positive or negative.

You may wonder how you’ll get out of a difficult situation, or what you should do next in life. But you should always remember that, at the end of the day, you create your own path. And this is worth millions.

“Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.” — George Bernard Shaw



Mariana Gls
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

Curious mind trying to have an impact on some people | Ph.D. student | she/her