
The Farmer and the LIE

Lexy Mae
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
2 min readMar 27, 2024


photo of open bible and two wheat/weeds
Photo by Alex Shute on Unsplash

I live to die, but ironically I had to die to myself to live

A paradox of emotions once invaded my sudden infatuation with my insanity

I had to win at life — but I also had to die to breathe

My need for acceptance led to people pleasing pleasures that never appeased me

I live to die, but ironically I had to die to myself to live

What a life I’ve lived — if that’s indeed what I did

Fighting a version of me I could hardly see

Whether it was a lie — or maybe a part of me took root that needed to die

My presentation of peace EASILY became my painful present

Often causing me to call out my own name

“You’re a lie — that’s not true! You wish that was you! Fake it — you’ll never make it! You’ll — never accept YOU!”

I live to die, but ironically I had to die to myself to live

I had to break up with implanted deception

Before it continued to sprout forms of misconception

That led to misdirection

What I needed was an interception from DIVINE protection

I tried to pull the root of the branch that bears no fruit

It’s not easy trying to do work that was never meant for you to do

I tried, and nearly died to prevail — yet, still I failed

I live to die, but ironically I had to die to myself to live

I had to kill that prideful part that pretended to prosper

The one that professed

I got this! I can do it myself! I’m not like the rest!

That wasn’t the truth

I needed the ONE on the throne

Who promised I’d never have to do it alone

My Master Gardener prunes me, and will separate the weeds from the wheat

Cut branches of insecurity

Sever stems of defeat

Detach dead leaves of despair

I lived to die, but ironically I had to die to myself to be free

My Gardener comes to prune me

Water me with His life giving water

I’ll never wither, due to the atmosphere that surrounds me

When I lived I was dying, but ironically when I died to my ways

Now I live — for HIM

“Remain in Me, and I will remain in you. For a branch cannot produce fruit if it is severed from the vine, and you cannot be fruitful unless you remain in me.” (John 15:4 NLT)

The pruning process of change isn’t always pleasant, but it’s necessary if we want the abundant & fruitful life God has for us. The beautiful truth is — His word declares that if we remain in Him– He will remain in us. Which means we won’t have to do it alone❤️

