Dancing in the Dark

How easily your phone can take your life

Simon Heathcote
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
2 min readJul 4, 2024


Photo by Roksolana Zasiadko on Unsplash

Count the green minutes before the world turned blue.
Remember the innocents.
Watch the night wth fresh eyes & the open window
where sad girls mistake flesh for path
stand for hours in front of glass mirrors.
She keeps her TikTok dreams alive— her 15 minutes
keeps fending off society’s curse —
how your phone can take your life
Observe the boys hurting & messed up by gangs & knives
sold the line that nice guys don’t cut it
Heroes are thugs, robber barons & soccer gods
stealing time & youth as they once tried to steal from you —
& now they sit as magistrates pillars of the community
judging those who bought what they happily sold
I beg for a world with more light
& as you dance alone around your room
while parents slump on sofas downstairs
or watch TV & dream of worlds
where daughters go to church & school —
or simply don’t care —
it is healthy to accept no-one is coming to save you
Salvation is a solitary affair
Perhaps if you’d read Austen or the Bronte sisters
just as you were told
diverted attention from body to words
the path might have led through crystalline valleys
though I suspect a nascent romance addiction instead more likely
sparked by Heathcliff’s wildly blazing eyes & tousled hair
the Bennet’s obsession with locating suitable men
Time runs on & the breath of inspiration awaits another cycle
a yuga lasting thousands of years
when once again the initiatory eye rolls in
offers a final way out of our terrible ignorance

Copyright Simon Heathcote



Simon Heathcote
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

Psychotherapist writing on the human journey for some; irreverently for others; and poetry for myself; former newspaper editor. Heathcosim@aol.com