Self-love | Life lessons

Dear Heart

I will never leave you unattended again

Naga Sai
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
3 min readJul 15, 2024


A child playing on the swing.
Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Dear Heart, didn't I tell you to behave yourself in the playground? I told you to have fun, but be careful. In this place, you'll meet different hearts; some will be nice, but others will be mean, so keep your guard up.

Remember these rules:

  • Don’t push in the slides, wait for your turn. A patient heart will go a long way.
  • If you fall to your knees, get up! I know it hurts, and it’s embarrassing. Hearts will be looking and laughing. But you have to help yourself up. There will be times when only you can save yourself.
  • If you see someone struggling to get on the swing, bend down and give them a push. A kind heart is your past to the biggest and happiest play area.
  • Bicycles will be limited in the playground; if you want a ride, you have to run fast to get one. Remember, no pushing, and no cheating. Play fair. In the end, you’ll be proud of yourself.
  • Some hearts are competitive and will race to the finish line. I know you’re itching to win. Go ahead and pedal as hard as you can. If you win, give yourself a pat on the back. Well done, Heart! You did it! But if you lose, don’t lose your heart. Learn from that game and use what you’ve learned to win…

