Discipline is the Purest Form of Self Love

Stay committed. Be honest. Be disciplined. Be self-loving.

Harsh Jain
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
3 min readMay 21, 2022


Unsplash Photo By — Dave Lowe

It’s been a long time since I considered writing about this subject. It was a discovery that struck me one day when I was distraught and felt messed up. It was the sensation, and I was struggling with my thoughts due to its incessant overthinking, which was making me anxious. It had occurred many times before, but I had never grasped the fact that

“self-love can never come from a lack of self-discipline.”

And I suddenly realized that my overthinking was the result of my lack of self-discipline.

As I realized this — My heart started guiding me onto the right path. The path of self-discipline that comes from the courage to pursue my desires even when I feel lazy, the path that required consistent efforts towards my goals, the path that will lead me to the path of everlasting joy.

And it was at this point that my bravery to stick to my discipline brought relief to my heart, and the motivation to finish the job. That Inspiration came from the fact that — “I was being honest with myself”. And there’s no better source of motivation than knowing you’re being true to yourself.

That is why I chose to be honest with myself, my aspirations, and my daily routine. By being honest with myself, I was exercising discipline, and it is so true that when you attain your goals via discipline and hard work. The deity himself showers you with love and happiness.

Though it was not it, even when I decided to move forward keeping my comfort aside, I felt fatigued as I pushed through my day with little drive and a lot of worries. Why am I doing this? It’s acceptable for me to take a break every now and again.

However, I knew that there is a fine line between resting and being lazy, and I do not want to fall into that laziness area. So, whatever it was, I kept it aside and began concentrating on my task. The attention wasn’t good enough at first, but as I progressed, I felt more certain that — “YES, I can do this.” It’s easy. This is what I’m doing, and it’s no longer unpleasant. As I continued to be honest with myself, I began receiving little interest.

And the self-motivation dosages that I gave myself helped me stay consistent, it helps me in boosting my productivity.

It’s easy to be disciplined for a short time, that’s why I believe that practicing self-discipline consistently for a long time is an art in itself.

It’s an art that requires sacrifices from us, this may include sacrificing hanging out with friends, avoiding binge-watching on Netflix, it requires working hard when everyone else is enjoying life, it requires honesty, and it requires your precious time.


In exchange, it bestows to you real, magical success, bringing tears of happiness and the sensation that everything was worth it. It brings up the feeling that ultimately and finally — “I DID IT”


“With Discipline comes the satisfaction, and with satisfaction comes the self-assurance, and with the self-assurance comes the sure success”

As we move ahead with a proper disciplined approach, we get to know and embrace our true heroic abilities, the abilities that assure us that we can do great things. These are the proofs that help us believe more in ourselves.

That day I realized that discipline is the purest form of self-love. Discipline gives me the confidence I need to forge ahead in life.

In the end, I’d like to leave my piece on a positive note -:

“All Challenges and Stumbling Blocks are removed when one has the fortitude to pursue one’s desires.”

I shared this quote on my Instagram some days ago, if you liked my work you can follow me on medium and Instagram-:





Harsh Jain
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

A writer by heart, as well as a lover of many things. I write from my heart to encourage others and help them find peace. Sprinkling kindness everywhere I go.