Do These 4 Things the Next Time You Sense a Negative Energy

A Guide To Protecting Yourself From a Spiritual Attack

Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
6 min readMar 9, 2022


A tattooed hand outstretched from a dark blue winter jacket, grazing the side of a heavily barked tree. Giving the tree a hug.
Photo by The Writer, My Hand, My Tree

If you’re reading this, you’re likely an empath, which means that you can pick up on the energy of a person, people or space.

Before I realized the power of spiritual energy, I didn’t comprehend how I could so easily blend in and relate with different walks of life. No matter where I am, I can sense the emotions of others, and I am good at visualizing someone else’s struggles as if they were my own.

From a professional perspective, some would call this perception “interpersonal skills.” But, I like to think of it as a little bit more than that.

For example:

I relate strongly to people who I’ve never met before. Strangers walk right up to me, unsolicited, and open up about their life. I have heard tons of stories about family, trauma, etc. I must give off an open book / good listener vibe.

Someone once told me that I needed to stop taking on the energies of those around me. I felt like I was “freaking out” all the time, because I didn’t know how to block out others’ vibes.

I am just a regular person. Or so I thought. I’m not a psychic or a medium or someone with loads of stories about ghostly encounters.

But what I am, I have decided, is sensitive. This ability is both a blessing and a curse.

If you have never heard of a spiritual attack before, the term may sound alarming. It is not a physical attack though. It will not cause damage or pain. It is more of an emotional thing. However, if left unattended an attack may cause increased anxiety or a prolonged feeling of unrest.

In essence, I consider a spiritual attack to be: Any energy that causes discomfort to you for any period of time, that you have not invited or intentionally asked for, and that alters your state of mind or wellbeing.

To put this concept into context, I ask you this: Have you ever walked into a crowed space and immediately felt a sense of dizziness or suddenly became lightheaded?

If so, if is probably because you did not set up any energetic boundaries before going in. This altered sensation is likely caused by your sensitivity, you’re picking up on a combination of other peoples energies.

Personally, every time I go into Wal-Mart I need to protect myself. The overwhelming amount of people as well as the lighting in there causes my heart to palpitate and my extremities to sometimes loose feeling.

As an empath, I also have to be selective of who I spend my time with. Sometimes, I feel completely drained by certain individuals who unbeknownst to them, suck the energy right out of my existence.

I leave them needing to recharge with a salt bath and a nap.

Because I am aware of this, I usually ground myself (if I remember), before going into a social setting or place that I know affects me.

So if this sounds like you, have no fear!

I have compiled a list of tips that have significantly helped me in dealing with what I call spiritual attacks.

Protecting yourself from negative energies is not something that only professionals can do.

Here are four powerful methods for anyone who wishes to deter negative energies. Doing these prior to or upon the onset of an attack will help to clear yourself of intrusive negativity.

1. Mantras & Affirmations

Mantras are sacred verses of vibration and sound used to evoke protection, healing and inspiration. They are usually repeated for a specific length of time. Mantras are sometimes said as a way to set your intentions for yoga or meditation practice.

Affirmations are phrases, used similar to mantras but are spoken in words rather than sounds.

Example of a Mantra:

Aad Guray Nameh”- for protection

Personal Affirmations that I have created:

“Good and Kind, Love and Light” — used for banishing intrusive thoughts.

“I am Healthy, I am Fine, I am Grateful, I am Love” — to prevent anxiety and panic

2. Grounding

Grounding is effective for healing because connects your body with the natural energy of the earth. When you feel as if your mind is spinning out of control and you think you’re on the edge of a psychotic break, try grounding.

  • Get Outside: take your shoes and socks off and put your feet in the dirt or the grass.
  • Hug A Tree (I’m serious!): placing your hand or your body against a tree connects you with the ancient energetic flow that runs through the earth
  • Get Low: sit down, squat, kneel or lay down on the floor/ground outside. Your mind will begin to relax as you move across the plains and become closer to the ground.
Photo by Author. My Feet, My Backyard

3. Bubble

“The Bubble” is a visualization tool that protects you by keeping others out of your personal space. To get your bubble started, do this:

  • Sit or stand in a comfortable position and take some deep breaths.
  • Imagine your favourite colour (mine is pale, pink with sparkles 💖 ✨)
  • Now start to visualize a tiny bubble at the top of your head.
  • Imagine that bubble growing wide enough to surround your whole body until you are surrounded by a robust, strong, impenetrable bubble.
  • As you imagine yourself fully protected from your head to your toes and under the souls of your feet, picture yourself walking around in the world.
  • Observe as people around you bounce off your bubble.
  • Watch as the words they say bounce off your bubble
  • Nothing from the outside world can get it.
  • Your bubble is a shield of brilliance

The next time you find yourself in a confrontation or in a place with too much negative energy, visualize your protective bubble. This will help you to reserve and restore your inner peace.

4. No thank you, and Goodbye

I mostly use this for events when I feel that a supernatural entity might be trying to attach to me.

As a lover of all things spiritual, I find myself open to supernatural experiences.

If I get a cold chill or an oppressive dark sensation comes over me, I instantly start with my go-to phrase “Good and Kind, Love and Light.” So that anything out there knows that I will not be receiving anything evil or negative

If this something seems very persistent I will repeat “No, thank you” and “Goodbye.”

Sometimes in my head, sometimes as a whisper, and, if need be (if goosebumps are creeping up the back of my neck), I’ll even say it out loud a few times.

The “No, thank you” and “Goodbye” works by allowing you to get away from the situation. Repeating it several times clears your head and your energy field.

If nothing else, this mantra acts as a distraction tool. By changing your reception to it, you change your way of thinking and therefore avoid the attack.

Remember: If you are open you are more susceptible to allowing negativity in.

These simple yet effective tools can prevent an escalation of stress or vulnerability to adverse energy.

Use these as a safe way to keep yourself protected, grounded and to clear off negative energies.

Thank you for reading.



Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

Newbie blogger, long time writer — personal, comical, questionable and informative.