English Is a Language Not a Measure of Intelligence

Lalita Janette
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
3 min readSep 18, 2022


I am a broken English writer who has a message to share

Photo by Guido Fuà on Unsplash

I came upon a post on Linkedin and it triggered me to speak about my pain as a broken English speaker/writer.

Caption from Daniel Abrahams’s Linkedln Profile

English is my second language and I just can’t help wanting to express myself in a language that triggers my insecurity.

As a broken English speaker, I got bullied by native speakers sometimes.

The person said.

“With your English ability, I doubt you can do well as a writer.”

The same person also suggested I should write in my mother language but not English.

or the recent fellow Medium writer's response like this.

The Opinion Caption From Medium’s Response

As a broken English speaker and writer I felt insecure expressing myself. I don’t have enough vocabulary to pour out all my feelings and emotions.

But if someone wants to speak and write in my mother tongue I will never look down at them and said…



Lalita Janette
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

Writer of Wild Love Holy Island, founder of Dream Maker publication, sharing Love, building Relationships, enjoying Sexuality, exploring the Spiritual realm