Escape The Matrix With Me In 6 Months

Build a free, fulfilled, and fun life on the internet

Trishna Utamchandani
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself


6 months is not a very long time.

6 months is also ample time to make a shift.

For many years now, I have been swayed by decisions made by others for me, simply because I was too afraid to trust my own instinct. Deep down, there was a storm of unsettlement brewing within, waiting to be unleashed.

I was pushed into deeply uncomfortable, suffocating environments which did the opposite of make my grow. My time got robbed, my voice got stifled and I felt continually lost.

However, this only strengthened my desire for a better life. There is no plan B.

The life that seems the most appealing to me is one where I have full control of my time. It is one with ample of money to life the quality of life that aligns with who I am. The one where I can take my dog for long walks at any time of the day, plan a trip within a day’s notice, and stay in bed reading the whole day if I wish.

Photo by Madara on Unsplash

It’s easy to dream your life away, but it’s also achievable to build your dream life. My plan to escape the matrix starts by productizing my knowledge, and building from there.

Building Digital Products



Trishna Utamchandani
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

I write about personal development, relationships and love, nutrition and lifestyle. Open to projects.