
Establishing Impenetrable Confidence

Uplifting Women

Destiny S. Harris
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
2 min readJul 27, 2021


Photo by David Suarez on Unsplash

Affirmations: Impenetrable Confidence

1. My confidence beams from within me.
2. Confidence is at the core of my being.
3. No one and
no thing can shake my confidence.
4. I am secure with who I am today.
5. Confidence looks amazing on me!
6. Not a day goes by that I don’t live as my most confident self.
7. I am a phenomenally confident woman.
8. I am courageous. I never back down.
9. I love who I am today.
10. I am proud of who I am, and who I am is displayed to the world without an apology.


“The most beautiful thing you can wear is confidence.” — Blake Lively

“I taught myself confidence. When I’d walk into a room and feel scared to death, I’d tell myself, ‘I’m not afraid of anybody.’ And people believed me. You’ve got to teach yourself to take over the world.” — Priyanka Chopra

“This is your moment. Own it.” — Oprah Winfrey

What Makes You A Phenomenal Woman?

