Eternal Embrace

In the Language of Souls

Rohit Kalsariya
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
2 min readJul 1, 2023


Jonathan Borba On Pexels

In twilight’s gentle hue, love finds its birth,
Two hearts entwined upon this spinning Earth.
No words, no vows, their silent tongues converse,
In tender gestures, passions they rehearse.

Beneath a moonlit sky, their souls take flight,
Guided by stars that shimmer in the night.
With every touch, a symphony unfolds,
A language whispered only love beholds.

No grand illusions, no pretense of bliss,
Just raw emotions in their purest abyss.
In depths unknown, they find their sacred place,
Entangled spirits, bound in love’s embrace.

Each stolen glance, a universe unveiled,
Unspoken desires, never to be curtailed.
Their fingertips, like brushes, softly trace,
Creating masterpieces in love’s sacred space.

Through joy and sorrow, hand in hand they stride,
In passion’s fire, they’ll forever reside.
No boundaries known, they traverse the divide,
In love’s embrace, their destinies collide.

Together they dance, in rhythm and rhyme,
Their love a beacon that transcends all time.
For in their union, a magic’s set free,
A love so pure, it’s destined to be.

Oh, lovers of the world, let your hearts ignite,
In tender whispers, love’s eternal light.
Embrace the language that only lovers share,
And let your souls entwine, forever pair.



Rohit Kalsariya
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

" More reading is a habit that adds value to a reader's life", I am a passionate and dedicated medical student with a strong interest in the field of medicine.