Eternal Soul Properly Defined

Search for self properly understood

14 min readDec 3, 2020


[Originally Self-Published on my Medium page 11/12/20]

Cody Delistraty writes in Finding Yourself is Overrated:

The “self” is often thought of as a fixed and discrete entity, like a soul, but psychology research points to a different conception of the self, something more akin to an evolving, changing series of selves — “a bundle of selves,” as the 18th-century philosopher David Hume presciently called it.

Souls are discrete entities; Souls are eternal. Eternal does not imply unchanging. A soul is a sentient being comprised of pure energy of a form and with properties beyond our understanding of energy (“Soul Energy”); it does not dissipate; it does not require a material vessel to encapsulate it; though when incarnate it resides in the brain once formation begins. Soul Energy provides the spark that ignites cell division in the zygote.

Cody Delistraty also writes:

One of the most ancient rejections of the self is the Buddhist doctrine of anatta — the belief that there is no self, or soul, or other permanent essence of who we are.

With all due respect to that esteemed journalist and The Forge, he misunderstands the Buddhist belief.



Living 17,043rd human life. I am Marcus (universal name) or you may call me Greg; a deep thinker; an explorer of ideas and the mind.