Even in the Rain — Part II

Day 24 in America…

Jeff Sturm - theJournal
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
2 min readApr 28, 2024


Pic by Author — Penestanen, Ubud, Bali — March 2024

Living beyond Average

Life is full of adventure.
And isn’t adventure what we want?

You can have Adventure
or you can have Average

Who want’s to be average?
No one is stating their goal,
“I hope to be average some day”.

No, we want adventure.
And adventure is all around.
Everywhere. All the time.
Easily found.

So why then do we live in the average so often?

I think it’s because we are so easily distracted.

We get so uncomfortable not being comfortable.
We fear the dark when clouds just start rolling-in.
And as soon as it starts raining, we only see the rain.

We only see the rain.

But every adventure has rain, has storms.
Has mountains to climb, weather in the way.
Every adventure has villains too.
And dark scary forests,
and clouds that ebb and flow.

This is what makes it an adventure!

So do Heroes, landscapes, victories, and friends,
They’re all part of the adventure too.

But the magic is in the contrast
The adrenaline is in the unknown.
This is what makes it go.

The adventure is in the journey, traveling through.

Even when it rains.
Maybe mostly in the rain!

The adventure is in the rain!

In the rain and through the rain.
In the storm and through the storm.
In the danger and through the danger.

There is always beauty in the moment,
and strength in the present.

You just have to know it, feel it, find it.
It’s there and it’s yours.

That’s for the adventure too!

You want it all.
And it’s all right here.
The adventure is right here.
It is always right here.

Sun, Rain, Moon, Clouds,
Villains, Heroes, Known, Unknown.

Right here, in the moment.

Every moment is a perfect adventure for you.

You don’t have to fix it.
You don’t have to manage it.
You simply get to adventure through it.

Armed with the beauty and strength
that Life always provides.

See everything this way.

There’s no need to pull away.
There’s no need to get uptight.
The pain and pleasure.
The highs and lows.

They’re all here for you.
And all working for you.

See Life in brand new ways everyday.
An adventure in the most amazing way!

This is what we want.

Even when it rains.

Let go and LET’S GO!



Jeff Sturm - theJournal
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

Living Life and Sharing the journey: Lessons of Leading and Learning. Discoveries of Experiencing and Exploring. This is my Journal, lets adventure together.