Excuses are Fears in Makeup

Ali Zakaria
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
3 min readAug 27, 2021


All the laws of the universe can be broken except the laws of physics and criminal law. So if what you want to do is not conflict with two rules, you should try doing it.

Whenever we want to start something new, all the reasons in the world come to our minds to wait before starting it. Sometimes we say we should have a certain amount of money, a certain age, buy specific equipment, or get a particular certificate. Our minds make these reasons look natural to us until they paralyze us. These reasons are often excuses we make because we are scared to do something new. Our minds are wired to do what is familiar with it and are very afraid to try something new. They are meant to keep us alive, not to help us grow. Our hearts are the place that wants to evolve. That is why there is always a conflict between it and the mind. We feel that we want to do something, but we are afraid to do it. We have a light feeling towards it that is not logical, but we think it will work out; on the other hand, we have all the rational reasons it will not go well.

You should be aware that most of the rational reasons your mind is making are just resistance to the news that you want to do, and if you solve all of these issues, your mind will come up with a bunch of new ones.

To deal with this resistance, you must first acknowledge that it is just resistance, not a…



Ali Zakaria
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

Ali Zakaria, Judge and Best-selling author of the book “The Forgotten Art of Happiness — 52 ideas that ‎will change your life.