Feeling Lost In The New Year? Find Direction With Your Personal Year Number

Numerology Can Provide Insights Into your Energies and Vibrations for 2023.

Know Thyself, Heal Thyself


Photo by Alex Chambers on Unsplash

‘This has been a tough year for you’ my psychic said in 2020 ‘You’ve done nothing but work, work, work.’

‘Next year will be more relaxed, more adventurous and fun!’

I’m a bit of a sceptic when it comes to psychics. I’ve been to so many that I now rely on my intuition to either deeply believe in what they have to say or take it with a grain of salt.

Of course I was busy in 2020, it was lockdown there was nothing else to do but work from home.

‘Your Personal Year Number was 4, hence all the hard work’ she said.

What Is A Personal Year Number?

In numerology, your Personal Year Number is a way to understand the energies and vibrations that will be present in your life during a specific calendar year.

That calendar year can either be from the 1st Jan to the 31st of Dec or from one birthday to the next.

How To Calculate It?

To calculate your personal year number, you will need to use the following steps:



Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

Sending you sound bites about Personal Finance, Health and Becoming A Better Human | 15+Years in Finance | Physiology Undergrad | Self-Improvement Junkie 🇦🇺