Feeling Overwhelmed ? You Should Try to Change Your Thoughts

Here’s how you snap out of heavy emotions.

Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
4 min readMay 24, 2022


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Emotions are the main indicator of the quality of our life. We usually tend to float above this truth, yet whoever is aware of it also knows that being able to handle their own emotions is a more-than-ever needed skill.

Nowadays the stimuli that we receive from the outside world are far too many, and we are constantly exposed to tragedy, crisis and overwhelming facts happening all over the globe.

Therefore knowing how to handle our own emotions as well as how to change the patterns of a negative or overwhelming emotional state and replace it with a positive and joy or gratitude-driven one is therefore most needed than ever.

An unfortunate fact

What’s sad about this is that people don’t really believe that it’s actually possible to switch from feeling fearful to grateful, or from angry to calm and at ease, or again from stressed to joyful and peaceful.


Because we believe far more in a negative emotion rather than a positive one. Or, in other words, when we are feeling sad we are willing to spend days, if not months, on end dwelling on the reasons why we are feeling that way.

On the contrary when we feel joyful, or calm, or blissful, we easily forget that we are capable of recreating that same feeling just by following the same patterns that have led us to those feelings.

It’s like painting on canvas: bright colours are equal to a bright painting and dark colours create a dark painting. And guess what? We are holding the paintbrush and we are also choosing the colours.

It’s true, at times it’s very hard to consciously choose to feel good, but that’s no excuse. That’s when our mind gets tested the most and we must learn how to utilise it for own benefit, and not the other way around.

But think about this…

These days it seems far easier to know how to feel sad than joyful. Or to feel fearful than brave, or anxious than at ease.


Just because we conscioulsy find a valid reason every day to feel that way. But like saying goes “What’s wrong is always available. And so is what’s right.”

The mind survival patterns

What we forget is that our mind is a survival mechanism, and it’ll always work in such a way that it primarly goes to highlight:

  1. What’s wrong
  2. What’s dangerous
  3. What we can’t control
  4. What we don’t have

Do you agree with me on this?

The mind primal duty is that to keep us “safe and sound”, and because of this intention it mainly works its way through all the negativity believing that it’s the only way to get to the other side and find a safe harbour.

But life has proven us that where attention goes, energy flows. Therefore the more we focus on the negative, the more negative grows. Whereas the more we focus on the positive… well you know it by now!

The good news about all this is that our mind is a muscle, just like the others, and we get to decide how to train it and grow it! And there are different tools to constantly keep our mind trained and focused on positive-oriented emotions only, so that we can create a better and more joyful lifestyle.

Tricky thoughts

I found myself various times in places and situations where all around me there was negativity, challenging days and rough paths, and all I felt to do was *NOTHING*. I just wanted out. I felt I had no energy to deal with life or with any situation in particular, and you know what that did?

Made it last longer.

The minute I started taking charge of myself and being accountable of my own thoughts and feelings I realised that life is a HUGE mind game.

Our main duty as humans is to find out the tricks and tools to play it our way and create more of the reality we want, and not letting life creating more of the emotions we don’t want.

One thing you can start doing right now to better understand you own self is to ask these questions:

What am I actually doing to get rid of toxic people/situations in my life ?

Who am I being as I go through the storm? A victim or a fighter?

Am I looking for a solution or am I waiting for salvation ?

In answering these three questions you’ll understand a hell of a lot.

Thanks for reading.

Interested in learning more about how to deal with overwhelming emotions and the easy-to-apply tools to instantly feel better? Then take a look at my free webinar full of juicy information happening soon !



Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

Seeker of Meaning. Obsessed with researching tools that can enhance the unlimited Human Potential. Let’s live to the fullest.