Finding Comfort in Fear, Creating Fearful Situations that Make Chaos

Listen, all y’all, it’s a sabotage.

C. Dorian Carlone
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself


Photo by Anna Schroeder on Unsplash

I create scenarios that place me in a state of fear. I’ve done it all my life. It’s debilitating. And I just did it again.

I took some work before the holidays that I knew would likely be temporary. I got used to working really quickly. Now I’m unemployed, again, and sad.

To busy myself I decided to take up the kitchen floor and replace the old peel and stick tiles. In the process I may have exposed myself and my family to asbestos. Now I’m panicked, paralyzed.

This seems to be my happy place.

I could have just enjoyed the time off, perhaps looked for work, but, instead, I’ve made things worse than they already were.

I need to start dealing with things head-on instead of sidestepping into chaos.

Listen, all y’all, it’s a sabotage.

I was introduced to the concept of self-sabotage in work recovering from addiction. My propensity to destroy the good things in my life was also pointed out to me by my therapist.

I can trace the examples all the way back to my teen years and they probably can be found even before that. Opportunity to celebrate…



C. Dorian Carlone
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

Aspiring novelist, sometimes nutritionist, fledgling minimalist. Hobby musician and lover of disc golf. Join and support: