
Focusing On The Negative Is Suffocating

Be a positive marker

Destiny S. Harris
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
3 min readNov 7, 2021


Photo by Christina Victoria Craft on Unsplash

The world is inundated with negative people, events, and messages. Stop guarding your mind for a second, and you can get lost in the sauce — suffocating in a pile of negativity. Though much of the world can seem evil and pessimistic, there is also still much good and positivity in the world; it’s not hard to find it either if you look around you and prioritize looking for all of the positive that surrounds not only you but the rest of the world.

When you find yourself wanting to throw the towel in because you feel everyone has malicious motives and everything seems to blow up in your face, pause. Pause and think of five things to be grateful for, and if you still feel you’re sinking in a pile of mud, think of five more things.

Life is not all good, but life is not all bad either. If you need some positivity and good in the world, be the good you wish to see and experience. It always starts with one person. People tend to remember the person who went out of their way to be kind to them; kindness leaves a permanent mark on people’s souls. Be the positive marker; not only will it come back to you, but it will always save you from a life deluged with depression, pessimism, loneliness, and desolation.

