This too shall pass…

For When You’re Feeling Low

Affirmations to ward off sadness and depression.

Destiny S. Harris
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
2 min readOct 7, 2021


Photo by Ashkan Forouzani on Unsplash

Speak these over yourself when you’re feeling low:

I know low moments will come.

I am okay with feeling low at times.

I choose to look on the bright side.

I do not force away my gloomy feelings.

I choose optimism.

I am engaging in positive activities today.

I am grateful for life.

I am grateful I woke up today.

I choose to live a life filled with gratitude.

I choose to be content.

I do not let my emotions run my life.

I am aware of how I feel at each moment.

Each day, my best will be different.

I accept my low moments.

I accept my high moments.

I choose to maintain a positive attitude.

I choose to be my most optimistic self.

I choose to love myself during low moments.

I am kind to others during my low moments.

