Forest Floor

Skies Ceiling

Alice AliNari on

To the mystic place, we meet

Light of moon upon our feet

Soil dry beneath leaf carpet

Breeze across our flesh not stop it

Bonefire burning ever bright

Elementals own this night

Tingle teases our senses endless

Desire calls us to its whispers caress

We chant, we sing, we dance in jest

Feel the warmth within our chest

Speak the names of ancient ruins

Feel the pull our hearts not cooling

Until our skin is ruby red

Alive beyond the living dead

We shake, we quake, we moan in anxious

We call out silent lovers pretense

The stars our witness dance delight

The mystic place of pleasures night

Ours alone and without share

We seek the company of loves lair


Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

Patient of life, attempting to heal oneself by Quill. Transitioning from a profession of technology.