Fragile Strengths

Trusting Doubt’s Silent Teacher

Know Thyself, Heal Thyself


Photo by Zdeněk Macháček on Unsplash

Can you find peace by understanding the intentions of those who may have hurt you? Can trusting in the face of doubt lead to deeper wisdom and inner peace?

Recently, I came across a remarkable story that has deeply impacted my perspective. After spending almost an hour immersed in its thoughts and reflections, I felt driven to pen it down in my own words. Yet, I still feel that I haven’t quite captured it in the right words. Despite this, I continue to admire the original work.

If you’d like to kickstart with this poem, I suggest a quick reading of the article by Hardik Kathuria of what unfolds ahead. This advice is especially valuable for those who might not typically engage with poetry.

The deepest wounds are carved by doubt
when delicate glass of trust shatters
intentions like clouds darken the sky
shadows of suspicion twist and loom hard
a moment’s hesitation spirals into agony
from those we hold closest
our hearts connected with those dearest

In the quietude of suffering
wisdom blooms like a solitary flower in a barren field
a harsh light pierces through the fog of our own missteps
objective thinking sharpens in adversity
revealing truths we’d rather not see

Life’s subtle lessons taught in sweet breezes
karma’s gentle hand guides as a touch of fate
a nudge towards understanding
teaching us not to judge too quickly

Take a moment to patient pause
consider another’s unread heart
their actions may baffle like cryptic abstract
seem out of tune as if played by a foreign hand
but swift judgement shadows the mind
peace is found in the benefit of the doubt

Our mind’s a tyrant, restless beast
roams through dark woods of wild imagination
imagines countless wounds where none exist
in overthinking, we suffer more and more
fretting over phantoms of our own making

The often untroubled other sails on calm waters
our angst a tempest swirls in solitary skies
perhaps no wrong was intended
just a little misperception
as a cracked mirror reflecting distorted hues

Shift your stiff perspective
release ego, the proud lion prowling its domain
let humility soften its roar
open the mind to newest possibilities
let your curiosity unfurl its wings
what truth lies behind the hurt?
seek for the reasons and answers
let empathy be your ultimate guide
find the light that illuminates understanding

Recall the good
past acts of love stifling softly
like gentle zephyrs through autumn leaves
a single shadow does not eclipse the sun
this moment’s a piece of a greater whole
misunderstood but not malevolent

Consider the worst imagined
if the truth defies the fear
damage done by our own hand
embarrassment’s sting a bitter lesson

Doubt’s wounds linger with lingering mists
trust fractured reflecting shattered shards of faith
betrayal piercing the soul with icy precision
healing slow as a river’s gentle current
winding through the landscape of scars
forgiveness’s a distant shore shimmering beyond turbulent waters
spiritual maturity is the only rarest of the salves

Holding onto the burning coal of anger
its fiery grip searing the soul
the pain self-inflicted and harm prolonged
like chains binding the spirit tight
release it
release it forever
let peace flow in like a cool river
benefit of the doubt’s a balm for the soul
a healing salve that soothes and restores

He said — Give it a try
welcome the ease it brings
lighten the burden weighing on your heart
Kar ke dekho, accha lagta hai!
the way opens before you
lifting your spirit to new heights

Trust’s a fragile bird seeking to soar
nurtured in the nest of understanding
doubt’s the storm that grounds its flight
yet peace’s a gentle breeze lifting it high



Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

Poetic Dreamer ♥️ | Faithful soul traveling with thoughts | Culture-loving seeker of wisdom and transcendence, here to learn, grow and be inspired by words