Freedom, The One Word That Guides My Life

What is one word that drives the choices you make?

Words by Egypt
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
5 min readSep 17, 2020


If there is a single word that provides a true north for me. That guides all major actions and decisions in my life. It is Freedom. Having this one word to model my life on. Provides an inner scaffold I use to build the foundations of my life, work, and relationships.

Having freedom as a life mantra is what grounds me. It helps serve as a template to measure my intentions and actions up against.

This simple, yet beautiful word encompasses my profound thoughts. My aspirations, and creations.

We are born to be free.

We are told to have more possessions and larger houses. And a bursting bank account. Yet how about the things that matter?

More freedom of speech. Freedom of rights. Freedom in our spiritual and physical lives. And freedom of individual creative expression. We all need more of that.

We are all born free. So why should we live caged and tamed lives?

In practising freedom life is made more beautiful

This innate desire to align with this word, that is freedom. Has afforded me abundant experiences of joy and pleasure in life. I’ve been blessed by people and experiences that have enriched my life in countless ways. All through my pursuit of freedom. This goes to show that life is more beautiful when one lives in alignment.

In my pursuit to live a more free life and afford freedom to others, I have explored the following areas all linked by this desire to be freer.

  • minimalism and simple living
  • unschooling and homeschooling
  • writing and creative expansion
  • positive parenting and a non-aggressive parental approach
  • being a natural wellness advocate and avoiding using any pharmaceuticals
  • living a vegan lifestyle
  • adopting earth-honoring practices
  • deschooling myself, and always being a life-long learner
  • being against religion, oppressive political ideologies, and being a pacifist
  • natural movement, yoga, and walking
  • natural wellness, and living a low-toxin lifestyle
  • avoiding addictive substances-caffeine, social media,
  • owning my sexuality as a shameless asexual
  • astrology, spirituality, and metaphysical self-education
  • amongst other things

I’m not writing this to brag and as evidence of my path to Nirvana. Far from it. I make mistakes every day. I don’t meditate every day (Gasp!). My kids probably hate me sometimes. My parenting is far from stellar.

I mean heck, I get tired of myself sometimes. And occasionally I am caught by the trappings of modern living. No, I write this to share my little bit of courage and inspiration with you.

Some of the things listed might not agree with some people. But that is beside the point.

The point is I am choosing to live a more free, intentional, and conscious life. Regardless of the constraints that society puts on me.

With all the responsibilities of daily life. Like work, school, deadlines, project meetings, etc. Throw into that financial pressure. It’s easy to forget we can (and should) think for ourselves.

Perhaps it’s time to start making other choices to liberate yourself a little. You owe it to yourself. To accord the greatest treasure. Which is living a life of alignment.

It’s easy with all the noise online and offline, to forget the power of our will.

I want this article to be a reminder that you can start making better choices. You can align your life to your values, and truth. You don’t have to live according to your parents, friends, or other’s expectations. It’s your one life. So you do you. As best as you can.

“To find yourself, think for yourself.”- Socrates

“Freedom is nothing but a chance to be better.”-Albert Camus

I want to be the master and commander of my life. Not caring what the world thinks. Because at the end of the day, when this life episode ends. No one will step into the unknown with me. I’ll be alone.

So why not create the life I desire? As best as I can. Whilst also trying to liberate some others along the way?

Through the pursuit of freedom, I have experienced the following:

  • Improved creative expression
  • Boundless curiosity and awe in life
  • Improved physical and mental wellness
  • Better relationships with others
  • Enjoyment of a stress-less parenting
  • A deeper connection to myself and the natural world
  • A deeper sense of meaning and purpose
  • A fresh and positive outlook on life
  • An enduring sense of peace

This simple practice of having one word, or a few words to shine your life path, is transformational.

There are many ways to begin exploring your one-word

What is your one word? Have you ever thought of this? Is there an overarching theme that has been the rocket fuel to your major life decisions? One way to explore this area is by asking powerful questions.

Questions such as:

  • Do you have a few words you’d like to align with?
  • What words or words if lived by will make you a better person?
  • What are the values that make me feel like a better person?
  • What values do I want to grow in my life?
  • What things give me energy?
  • What things spark a deep curiosity within me?
  • What would I do anyway even if I wasn't paid for it?

A useful practice is to contemplate these questions, during a moment of relaxation, stillness, or alone time. Like when taking an evening walk, after yoga, or meditation time. Or even in the early morning hours before the world wakes up.

A journal, or writing tool to hand, is also useful. To take down, any insights that arise. I urge you to take some time to reflect on this if you haven’t contemplated it already. It might be your ticket to a better life.

Because you deserve to unshackle the chains of mental and emotional suppression that bind you. I am sure you have suffered enough. Whatever your story might be.

If you do have one word that guides you. Or one word you’d like to start living more of. I’d love to hear what it is. I’m ever a curious kitten and like to see how others are unfolding into their magical lives. Feel free to share with a comment.

“Everything that is really great and inspiring is created by the individual who can labor in freedom.”-Albert Einstein

Writer’s note



Words by Egypt
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

Essayist, Poet, and Writer. Dancing at the intersection of words and thoughts.