Getting What You Want Can Be Intimidating

Is it worth chasing it?

Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
3 min readApr 1, 2021


Life is full of aspirations.

There is always some dream deep down inside of us pushing us forward. However, sometimes this very dream-like version of what we want from life is what is holding us back. Sounds kind of contradicting, but bear with me.

Maybe you want to be a singer, a writer, a karate teacher, whoever– someone you would love to be. You dream about it, wish that it was your life. You aspire to be that person, to live your life in this illusion of perfectly ideal life you created for yourself.

And I believe in you, you can definitely do it. I mean, someone has to be a black belt karate ninja, so why not it be you? We all have certain wishes for how we want to live our lives.

BUT — there’s always a but — , even though it’s something we dream about, it’s this very fear of actually doing it in reality that is holding us back.

Sounds confusing? Think about it this way: imagine you wanted to climb Mt. Everest your whole life. You would dream about it, think about it 24/7, read all possible articles out there, like all Instagram posts…



Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

Exploring ideas, growing as a person, trying to figure things out & writing about it. New to Medium.