KTHT 15-Day Writing Challenge, Day 9

Going Beyond Infatuation and Attraction

Brad Pitt, Tom Cruise, and Sean Corbin

Sean F Corbin
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
1 min readJun 20, 2021


Photo of the Author

It is time, you must do it — go beyond infatuation and attraction.

I am more than a highly-skilled, magically-crafted, wonderfully wonderful human — clearly. Beauty is only skin deep.

And yes, my fashion sense is also magnetic. Just look at this shirt — less than classy yet worn well.

And whilst it is tempting and understandable, you mustn't obsess. It’s unbecoming and most assuredly leads to compulsive neediness and possibly stalkiness. I’d prefer to avoid calling the police on yet another person.

Go beyond. I know you have it in you. Just like I’m more than this, you’re more than that… if that makes sense. I know, I also have a way with words.

Overcome the magnetism and be your own awesome. I believe in you.

Author’s Note: for those of you who are ironically- and sarcastically-challenged, this is humor — or a poor attempt at it. Most of you probably realized it about a sentence in when you chuckled out loud (COL) at the ridiculousness of it.

Onto the next masterpiece!

