
Dan Catalin
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
2 min readJan 6, 2021

I always thought we were not supposed to live on this Earth, that's how it speaks to me sometimes, every tree that I see, they don’t trust me, they don't lean upon people anymore, they just go with the wind, cause it’s the only thing they can actually trust even if the wind is very unpredictable.

My energy on this earth is limited, and I know that. I have been very low on my aura and my energy lately, I always thought I could handle anything alone, but sometimes my mind tells me otherwise.

I am afraid of what this Earth would put me through. Sometimes I think the mix between me and my mind is not compatible. It’s like putting a huge engine on some small tires and expecting them to be able to run correctly and not fall.

When you think about health, you think “I haven't had any medical tests done in a long time”, but I never thought of it this way, I think my health lays in being mentally healthy. Do not fight it, let your mind flow, observe it but don't give it too much attention, it will destroy every inch of your reality.

The bad guy never knows he’s the bad guy! Remember that and add that to
your judgment. A Criminal will say: “I didn’t want to do it”, a psychopath will say: “I did it for them!”, but it will be rarely when one would say: “I did it because I wanted to hurt them!”, and even if they do, in some ways, in their mind they’re thinking “I have been on this Earth for a reason, and that was the reason!”.

So when you think that someone on this Earth should know when they are wrong or when they are bad or when they are evil, rethink it, it’s very rare for those who can genuinely do so and not just verbalize it.

Earth is such a complex place, it is like a natural, true, and genuine feeling
which people have come to destroy.

I am sorry for nature and pity humankind.
Do not think like me, do not believe what I say, just know that, I’m not the bad guy either.

Are you?

