Selfish | Selfless — meeting at the same place


In What Ways is The Story Not About You? KTHT Challenge Prompt

Joe Luca
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
5 min readMay 4, 2022


Pixabay image — by geralt

Humans are hardwired to be selfish.

We see the world through our eyes, which are connected to our lives and it’s often hard for us to think about others when we’re the ones feeling scared or in need.

My oldest memories are of staring through the slats of a wooden crib, feeling alone but impressed with the bright colors and varied textures of the world I was now a part of. Feeling distant and incapable of bringing that world to me, filled me with frustration; but also, a comforting sense that I was more important than the chair and the carpet and the small plastic figures spinning around in a carousel above my head as I waited to be listened to again.

I felt the focus of all its attention — selfish perhaps. But what were my options but to breathe in and breathe out; take in all that was around me and believe that it was all there just for me?

Every day we set our sights on new goals, even when they’re only eight hours away, and decide today as we decide every day, that we must carry on. We do this to connect ourselves to the future. To put something there that interests us enough for us to arrive there safely.



Joe Luca
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

Top Writer in Humor and Satire. I love words. Those written, and those received. I’m here to communicate & comment. To be a part of a greater whole.