Heavy On Solitude

Personal space in the digital era


Photo by Nicolas Häns on Unsplash

With technology emerging, and the world being entirely digital, nothing is personal anymore. Websites and apps track all your data, lives are broadcasted through social media sites, the only thing left is personal space.

I love my personal space, there's no bullshit, no drama, and no worries, it's just me myself, and I. I thrive when it is just me, I control what I do, I can work with no distractions, I get to unwind and relax.

So I challenge you, if you are not a person of personal space, take some personal space and see how you “go”. Use it as a time to unwind, relax, be yourself, and do what you want.


Are you heavy on solitude? Let me know!

Prompt/ title credits — Diana C.



Aziz Patrawala
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

Empowering you to have success, but also happiness and fulfillment