How An 8-Year-Old Reshaped My Perspective On Life

The unexpected teachers among us

Khalimah Malik
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
4 min readAug 29, 2023


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When I first embarked on this spiritual journey, I constantly heard the phrases “remain childlike” and “learn how to tap into your inner child”. I’ll be honest, it took me a minute to grasp their meanings. The idea of being childlike was often mistaken for immaturity or acting childish. But then I birthed my own child and opened my heart to her lessons.

Who I am today, has been greatly impacted by an 8-year-old’s wise teachings.

The Power of Affection

Growing up, I never experienced much physical affection. In my family, hugs and kisses were sparse, and displaying emotions openly was not the norm. It wasn’t just me; my parents had their upbringing that influenced their attitudes toward affection. Little did I know that the warmth of a simple hug or a gentle kiss on the cheek could be transformative.

Fast forward to the day, I became a parent. Holding my child in my arms, I was instantly overwhelmed by a rush of emotions. As I cradled my baby close, I felt an undeniable connection — a connection that went beyond words. It was in those moments of tender touch that I realized the immense power of physical affection. In a world where screens and gadgets dominate our interactions, the significance of human touch often goes unnoticed.

Our society’s increasing reliance on technology has distanced us from genuine human connections. Text messages have replaced heartfelt conversations, and emojis have taken the place of authentic smiles. But my daughter changed that for me. Today, I find myself eagerly looking forward to her cuddles and daily kisses. I’ve come to understand that affection is a language of its own — a language that transcends barriers and communicates emotions that words alone cannot express.

The Power of the Voice

I used to be uncomfortable with my daughter’s talkative nature. Running errands became a task I dreaded because I didn’t want to engage in conversations with strangers. Her ability to speak her mind and express herself openly, however, intrigued me. It made me realize how often we suppress our voices for fear of judgment or rejection.

Delving deeper, I uncovered the root of my discomfort. As a child, I was often silenced by my mother’s loud voice, which overshadowed my quieter thoughts. I had internalized the belief that speaking up was unsettling, and this mindset had carried into my adulthood. However, witnessing my daughter’s fearlessness in voicing her opinions encouraged me to confront my past and embrace my voice.

Through her example, I learned that our voices hold power — power to share our stories, connect with others, and make an impact. I began to understand that speaking up wasn’t about being loud; it was about expressing myself authentically and fearlessly, just as my daughter did.

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The Power of Imagination

My daughter’s vivid and boundless imagination inspired me to revisit my creative realms. Children have a unique way of exploring different dimensions, interacting with beings beyond the veil, and envisioning worlds beyond the ordinary.

Seeing my daughter immerse herself in imaginative play made me reflect on my creative aspirations that had long been buried beneath the demands of adulthood. As I watched her play dolls and embark on magical adventures, I realized that imagination isn’t confined to childhood — it’s a treasure of inspiration that we carry with us throughout life.

In a world that often prioritizes logic and practicality, my daughter reminded me of the importance of nurturing our imaginative spirits. She rekindled my passion for art, writing, and exploring the uncharted territories of my mind.

The Wrap Up

Raising my daughter has been a journey of rediscovering the wisdom that lies within our childlike nature. The power of affection, the strength of our voices, and the boundless realm of imagination are not limited to childhood; they are lifelong companions waiting to be embraced.

Children possess a magic that can transform our lives if we open our hearts to their teachings. If you find yourself in the presence of a child, be open to receiving their messages — messages that might just reshape your perspective on life, just as my daughter did for me.


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Khalimah Malik
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

Empower individuals to regain control of their minds and ascend to their highest potential |