How Being Sensitive Makes You Resilient

5 reminders for you to embrace sensitivity as a gift.

Sparkling Annabel
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
4 min readNov 15, 2023


Picture from Unsplash

Why are you being so sensitive?

Why can’t you just let go?

You’re thinking too much!

I’ve been hearing this quite often. Usually when I spell the truth people don’t wanna hear.

They don’t really care if I’m sensitive or not.

They were being defensive for themselves.

But being sensitive is actually a gift. It allows you to see what others are blind to.

1. It allows you to be more conscious

You read people by their emotions.

You read the room by receiving signals from people in the room.

You can sense how the dynamic changes and that’s like wearing a lens other people don't have.

The sensitivity gives you the ‘superpower’ to see through the surface. Therefore, you are more likely to be empathetic and compassionate. This capability allows you to be able to connect and build strong relationships with others.

Also because you’re sensitive to what’s going on around you, this instinct can help you to anticipate challenges that might come along, and you’ll have the opportunity to form your coping mechanism.

2. It allows you to be more introspective

When you take time to focus on the inside figuring out how you feel and what it means, it’s usually considered thinking too much.

But staying unconscious and sweeping things under the carpet will do you no good, sooner or later it’ll collapse inevitably. Those who refuse to face reality will have to take the blame for themselves too.

When you look into yourself, that’s the first and crucial step towards unleashing the power within. You’ll realize you’re not paralyzed by the unsettling world, in fact, you can start creating your own reality by truly accepting and allowing your hidden ability to show.

Being introspective is necessary but never easy. It means being able to face the true self and observe what’s happening as well as how those things make you feel. It’s common to be scared at the beginning if you have never engaged in a long and deep conversation with yourself. But trust me, it’s always worth a try for those you can uncover if you do so.

3. It allows you to be more compassionate and caring

Being sensitive also allows you to feel/sense what others might feel. It allows your consciousness to shine a little bit of light to the presence where you and others are all in.

When you’re feeling what their energy is giving, you can find something in common that we might all share. It gives you a chance to understand how people think and operate which will allow you to be free of being triggered by other people’s behavior.

But be cautious, it doesn’t mean to take others' emotions as your own which is draining and unnecessary. It’s already enough to understand how their feelings/emotions have been affecting their actions and how you can be able to cope under such circumstances.

In the end, your awareness of them will provide you with more insight into how to ‘coexist’ with others no matter who they are and how they act.

4. It allows you to tap into your creativity

When you start to open up with yourself and the outside world, more inspiration will also pour into you as well.

It can be drawing artwork, creating music, writing articles, physical activities such as yoga or hiking, etc. When there’s a way for your creativity to show, it can also be able to influence other aspects of your life as well.

When you need inspiration, you can turn to where you shine the most.

When you need a break from your daily routine, your soul can still be nurtured somewhere else.

When you feel uncertain and lost, you can ground yourself by tapping into your creativity in different ways.

For me, it’s important that I can reflect and write because through writing I connect with not just myself but also with you and all those many on Medium and I’m always grateful for that.

Listen closely and let your sensitivity be the light to guide you to somewhere you can shine.

5. It allows you to learn and evolve

When you bring awareness into your life, you will start and continue to grow no matter what’s happening externally.

It’s not about what people have told you what is right or wrong.

It’s not about what you learned from school.

It’s not about to meet any external standard.

No more.

It’s about recognizing who you are, what you want, where you are.


When you can turn around and see yourself from within, you’ll feel more grounded and unwavering when engaging with others and the world.

Because you no longer seek external validations, instead you decide to take care of your own feelings and ask yourself who you want to be and where you want to be. The center of the blueprint is you. Get that BCE — big character energy back and don’t set any limitations no matter who tells you what.

Have faith and be gentle with yourself.

Start now and start small.

Follow me on an inspirational mindfulness journey!

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Sparkling Annabel
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

Always seek to be a better version of self. Designer | Non-native speaker | Medium Writer