How Do you Believe?

and how are your beliefs felt by others?

Jeff Sturm - theJournal
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
4 min readMay 16, 2024


Pic by Author — the Yoga Barn — Ubud Center, Bali — April 2023

There’s this subtle vibe from the people here in Bali that I have’t been able to get my finger on until recently.

To be sure interactions with the people here have always been different than just about anywhere I’ve been. I’ve never experienced such openness and curiosity amidst so much diversity.

But there is something more in all this that’s quite different than my experiences in America, and I only recently have been able to describe it.


Have you noticed how we often build walls between people based on beliefs?

Even when a people’s belief system professes love, we see those same people finger pointing, arguing with, and exiling people who don’t believe as they do. Thats the building of Walls. Walls to protect and walls to separate. Walls of belief.

I’ve been on both sides of these walls. I know what I’m talking about based on first hand experience. I actually helped build the walls with the same people who now have put me on the outside of them. I get it.


We tend to surround ourselves with people who believe as we do and then we just reinforce and feed the same thing over and over. So it’s easy for this wall building to seem right and justified. It’s easy to do what we do because those we are closest with are just like us and doing it too. We do this in the name of protection (of those inside the walls) and with a bit of judgement (of those outside the walls).

Which is to say, we build walls to bring the faithful into, then throw stones as they leave or at those who never arrive.

And dare I say we do all this in the name of beliefs that are evolving and changing.

Even if we don’t want to admit it, our belief system is evolves and changes. Consider yourself 10–15 years ago and know that there were things then you believed were right or wrong, but today? Perhaps not as much.

It’s a bit perplexing that we can become so strongly attached to our beliefs that we are willing to argue and hurt others with them, yet these same beliefs we hold so tightly too will most certainly change over time and definitely over generations.


Even the church’s doctrine, rules, and regulations have shifted and changed. What your grandparents found as fundamentally unrighteous and untrue, you do and your kids do too… and its fine. Our beliefs have evolved, and they will continue too.

Yet still we argue our positions with such intensity that we damage relationships, alienate family, and build walls that only rob us of love, experience, and goodness.

All the while we lose influence, destroy love, and become more isolated and separate. All this in the name of beliefs that will most certainly change like slowly shifting sand blowing across the oceans of life.


Maybe we should take inventory. Loosen our grip a bit and extend love versus pride. After all, if your future self were to judge your past self, well, what beliefs would they judge you against? And why are we the ones judging anyway?

Believe and have beliefs to be sure. Explore them deeply. They are your guide like a compass. We do need direction. But ask yourself:

  • How are others feeling your beliefs?
  • Do your beliefs require everyone around you to believe as you do?
  • What do you feel when the belief’s of others do not match your own?
  • Can you hold your beliefs well while loving, being open, and accepting those that are different?


And this brings be back to Bali and that subtle vibe that exists with nearly everyone I meet?

It’s Acceptance.
Unity amidst Diversity.
An underlying understanding of Oneness.

Everyone is so different, but no one seems to be fighting about it or trying to convince the other that their beliefs are the only right ones.

If anything, everyone is pretty curious to know what you believe and why — and simply accept it (without the need to change it or make it their own).

There seems to be this understanding that love is the common ground, becoming a better being is the common journey, and we need each other to have the best journey possible.

And it’s not just professed from a pulpit, it’s lived out everyday.
Demonstrated in cafes, at events, online, on walks, and in conversation.

Openness, curiosity, love, and acceptance.

Qualities we could all use in our lives.
Qualities we each need in our lives.

Qualities we can show to others,
Qualities we can be shown by others.

Perhaps we can all learn to hold our beliefs with a little less intensity?

Have them, know them, and let them grow, but let’s not let them separate us.

Let’s let openness and curiosity bring us together so we can listen and learn. Then let love and acceptance strengthen us for the incredible journey we are all on.

We really do need each other.
And frankly, its just more fun to travel together.

I’m game. How about you?

Let go and LET’S GO!
- jeff



Jeff Sturm - theJournal
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

Living Life and Sharing the journey: Lessons of Leading and Learning. Discoveries of Experiencing and Exploring. This is my Journal, lets adventure together.