How I Escaped The Vicious Cycle Of The “Happy Hormone”

Dopamine spikes are all rainbows and sunshine until they crash. After that, it’s all rains and sobs.

Aditi N Jha
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
4 min readAug 19, 2023


How I Escaped The Vicious Cycle Of The “Happy Hormone”
Photo by Uday Mittal on Unsplash

Remember that time you binge-watched an entire TV series in a single sitting, fueled by popcorn and sheer determination?

Yeah, I’ve been there too. It’s all about that glorious dopamine high — the brain’s way of giving you a standing ovation for your epic binge-watching skills. But hey, what goes up must come down, right?

So, picture this:

You’ve reached the end of the series, the screen goes black, and suddenly you’re left hanging in the void of post-show blues. That’s a dopamine crash for you. Your brain’s like, “Wait a minute, where’s my regular dose of ‘feel good’ juice?” And that’s when things get real.

What’s worse, you can sometimes experience a dopamine crash even while you are carrying out the activity that is supplying you with it — in this case, watching some series.

Today, I am going to walk you through the various aspects of being trapped in the vicious cycle of dopamine crash and how I deal with it.

The Crash Landing Of Dopamine

The aftermath of a dopamine crash can be like watching a superhero stumble over their cape. Suddenly, your mood takes a nosedive. You might find yourself feeling meh, a bit irritable, and ready to snap at the tiniest inconvenience.

It’s like your inner happiness factory went on a coffee break and forgot to clock back in.

I remember a time when I was super into this mobile game — Subway Surfers. I mean, I was on a quest to keep running aimlessly on the tracks — escaping from virtual police that come my way each time I bump into something.

But then life happened — deadlines, errands, all the grown-up stuff. And guess what? My dopamine train screeched to a halt. Suddenly, my gaming highs turned into lows, and I was left with a craving for those sweet, sweet victories.

So I procrastinated on my important tasks to play the game and hopefully, set a new high score. But my dopamine crash was so intense that I felt tired and miserable while playing too, but just couldn’t stop my thumbs from swiping left and right to navigate my character through the paths.

I almost felt like an addict — aimlessly doing something that I know will bite me in the** because my assignments and work responsibilities were pending.


How I Get Over Dopamine Crashes

Fear not, my fellow crash survivors, for I come bearing the wisdom of trial and error.

Here are some gems of insight I’ve picked up along the way that help me tremendously:

1. Spice Up Your Regular Schedule

Variety is the spice of dopamine life. Don’t let your brain get too comfortable with one activity. Spice things up, explore new interests, and keep that dopamine guessing.

2. Little Wins Matter

While the big wins are awesome, don’t underestimate the power of the small victories. Completing a task on your to-do list or learning a new recipe can give your brain a taste of that dopamine goodness. My favorite method was either drawing a cute cartoon or baking a simple dessert!

3. Move That Body

Exercise is like a backstage pass to the dopamine show. Get those endorphins flowing, and you’ll notice a positive impact on your mood and energy levels. For me, working out after sitting for too long (either studying or working) worked wonders!

4. Chill Out

Stress can mess with your dopamine levels. So, take time to relax, whether it’s through meditation, deep breathing, or just a good old Netflix and chill session. Just make sure that the Netflix session doesn’t turn into a 4-hour train ride — causing you to procrastinate again.

5. Socialize!!

Connecting with friends and loved ones releases oxytocin, a hormone that plays well with dopamine. So, schedule that virtual hangout or coffee date with someone you like hanging out with. Talk about your feelings, gossip about your co-workers — the options are endless!

Summing Up: Dopamine, Dips, and Determination

Life’s got its ups and downs, and so does our favorite neurotransmitter — dopamine.

We’ve laughed in the face of those crashes, armed with the knowledge that our brains are just trying to find equilibrium. By mixing up our activities, celebrating the small wins, and taking care of our bodies and minds, we can show those dopamine crashes who’s boss.

The most important thing to keep in mind while dealing with such crashes is that our brain is designed to cater to our wants, not our needs. So the next time you find yourself procrastinating, answer this question honestly:

Do you NEED this break, or do you just WANT this break?

This answer can help you get over your dopamine crash easily.

How do you deal with such crashes? I would love to know your experiences!

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