How I Finally Said Goodbye To Toxic Relationships

Maybe it’s finally time you say goodbye for good, too

Photo by Gokil on Unsplash

No matter what I said or did, he always had a hurtful, demeaning retort to throw at me. Each word was like a little dagger. Heartbreak by 1,000 little cuts. Nothing I did was good enough, regardless of how perfect I tried to be.

The weird thing is, the relationship didn’t start out so toxic. He was Prince Charming at first. Agreeable, accommodating, kind. But as time wore on and he became more comfortable and confident, his behavior turned dark. It didn’t take long for me to start hating myself as much as I believed he hated me.

I’m so grateful that I was able to snap out of it and flea that toxic relationship. Years later, I now have a healthier, loving, supportive relationship, and I have never looked back.

My rebound from that dark place didn’t happen instantly. It took a lot of time for me to learn some tough lessons, but eventually figured out how to identify and remove myself. That was the best thing I could have done for my mental and emotional health. There’s something to be said for the wisdom and fortitude that life lessons deliver.

Nowadays, I see red flag waving before I get too deep, and I avoid toxic connections of all sorts.

