How I Found My Light in the Darkest Times

The Hidden Blessings of Life’s Lowest Moments

Mehak Adlakha
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself


I know that in darkness I have found my light.
~ Sia

There was a time when I would fight with every misery of my life day in and day out, but life would always leave me defeated and shattered.

I thought there was no cure for my sufferings, and that I would never be able to move on and escape from my past.

But that’s how the world works!

Only at your lowest can you see the path to the top.

The feeling of reaching to the top — overcoming your life’s misery. | Photo by Jason Hogan on Unsplash

Everyone learns to fight; everyone learns to hold on gradually.

The world works in ups and downs; there is consistency nowhere. No one consistently remains in a single state forever.

You must pick yourself up because not every time will there be someone there for you.

You belong to yourself. You owe yourself happiness.

Hug your miseries and take yourself to the light. | Photo by Hala Al-Asadi on Unsplash

Happiness is merely an emotion, but the feeling of it is in your hands.
The agenda of sadness doesn’t work every time, because I believe only you control the rhythm of your life.

People find their way to light from the darkness itself.
Because in the end, no one may be there for you, and only then can you turn your misery into a blessing in disguise.

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Mehak Adlakha
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

26 | Owner of 'The Live. Love. Laugh. Pub' | Software Engineer @ Microsoft, India | Life Enthusiast and Tech Explorer | I promote positivity and knowledge.