How I Found True Happiness, Joy, and Fulfilment In Life

And how you can find them too

: Marina :
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
6 min readFeb 20, 2022


Photo by Denys Nevozhai on Unsplash

If I asked you — What happiness means to you? — what would your best answer be?

You probably may need some time to think about it. So do it. But think about it thoroughly. Because in that answer you will find something enlightening.

While your mind is meticulously assessing your surroundings, looking for something, your memories are bringing up moments of all the time you felt happy. Faces of people who made you smile. The day you bought your first house. Wild parties with your besties. That place. That food. That day. That person …. By combining all this information you can finally tell what happiness means to you.

But is that answer true? Because now I have another question for you — Whatever happiness means to you, whatever gives you that sense of deep joy, and fulfilment, does it come from your outer world or from your inner world? — In one word: is it something or someone outside of you that with their existence or presence is enabling your ability to feel happy? Or is it something within you that enables people around you to want it to be with you? And things and situations to naturally unfold and happen to you, not because you need them but because they are an extension of who you are? Not because they complete you but because they reflect you?

Think about it.

Because as long as your happiness is linked to someone or something that is outside of you and their existence or presence is necessary to fulfil a need that comes from a lack of something within you, you may be very happy, but you will never be able to experience true happiness.

If you look at “happiness” like something that from your outer world reaches your inner world so that you can feel full, complete, at peace, and satisfied… that’s not happiness. That’s you living a happy moment.

If instead, you look at “happiness” like something that projects, that reflects your inner world, your true essence, to the outer world, that’s you being the pure expression of true happiness in the world. That’s you contributing to making this world a happy place. In one word: you are happiness itself.

Happiness is not a thing. It’s not a house, not a job, not a person, not a status. And nothing and no one will ever make you feel truly happy. And we all know that already.

But what many don’t know yet is that happiness is a vibration. It’s your vibration. Happiness is the energy you radiate into the world after you took all the time you needed to gently go inside and do the inner work in order for you to restore your Divine Blueprint and discover who you really are and what’s your purpose in this life.

Since we are born, we are repeatedly reminded that we need to be happy, but no one ever told us that we are born already happy. We are born with everything we need to be happy. Imagine a child, they are always smiling and happy. So why do we need things and people to feel happy again?

When we are born we are whole. Our Divine Blueprint is whole. Therefore, nothing from the outer world is needed to enable our natural ability to feel happy. Instead, it’s the society, the rules, the family, the school, the jobs, the unresolved trauma, and a bunch of other things that disconnect us from ourselves. We slowly but surely lose our identity. And we become empty. And because that’s what we have been told, we start looking outside ourselves for things and people and situations, healthy and less healthy, that resemble the piece of ourselves that we lost, and once we find it, for a little while, it might work, we might feel full, complete, happy. But that piece isn’t part of our blueprint. That piece is not who we are. And what happens is that with time, one day we find ourselves sitting at the table with our family, we look at our beautiful husband or wife, our children, we look through the big shining windows to admire the blue calm water of the pool and the green of the grass, the brand new car we recently bought, the expensive watch that beautifies our wrist, we think about the amount of money we make, we scroll down the endless list of people we can call. We look at all of that, in deep silence, and as the chaos arises from the surroundings, all of a sudden we feel empty. We feel that despite everything and everyone we have, something is still missing inside. After we spent our entire life building our happiness, we still feel miserable and completely unhappy.

So what is true happiness then and how do you find it?

Well, here’s the thing: inside of you, there is someone desperately waiting to reconnect with you. Inside of you, there is a wonderful world waiting for you to discover. Inside of you, there is the true you, the only one able to remind you, what happiness is for you and how to find it. Because remember: you were born happy.

Don’t be afraid to look inside you. The key to a happy, joyful, and fulfiling life is already there. You just need to find it. The journey is not easy. The road is bumpy. Everything is messy. And sorry to tell you but no one will be able to help you. You are completely on your own and you are the only one who can help yourself.

Sure, along the way, you may find people who with their stories will shine a light on your path. Some of them will keep you company for a while, others will trigger something painful in you, and you may want to disconnect immediately from them, but that’s ok because their role was just to mirror your shadows so that you could continue to do the work on your own. What I’m trying to say is that everyone and everything you will encounter and experience during your journey to yourself will be a catalyst for your own healing. So be grateful and keep going. Because believe me: the reward it’s worth the pain.

So to conclude, here’s my takeaway from my own journey to find happiness, joy, and fulfilment in life: first thing first you must reconnect with yourself.

And once you do that, you will find that happiness is simply everything that reflects you. It’s a force, it’s an energy, it’s something that moves from the inside to the outside and not the other way around.

Happiness is not what you do but how you do it. It’s not who is part of your life and how they make you feel, but how people feel being around you. Happiness is not what you have but what you are.

And it’s thanks to this wonderful journey of self-discovery that I started many years ago that today I am able and honored to work with people that are on their own journey of self-discovery.

And this is the first thing I tell all my clients before even starting the work: if you want to find true happiness, joy, and fulfilment in your life, you need to go inside and stay with your pain for a while. It’s not going to be easy. It’s not going to be pleasant. And the only thing I will be able to do is to walk with you and use my story, my knowledge, and everything else I’ve learned to shine a light along your path so that you can see what you can’t see yet. Are you ready to unlearn everything you have learned about yourself? Because that’s all you have to do to find everything you are looking for.

Photo by Jayden Yoon ZK on Unsplash

May you all live a happy, joyful, and fulfiling life, from the inside out. Not only because you deserve it. But because you are it.



: Marina :
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

I write about ordinary things in a non-ordinary way to help you see the world from a different point of view.