How I Release My Judgments of Others and Myself

I learned to forgive myself

Bingz Huang
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
4 min readMay 13, 2021


Photo by Claudiu Morut on Unsplash

“Stop yelling at your kids. You shouldn’t be so harsh on him. Bedtimes are supposed to be gentle. Did you just commanded him to sleep?! Oh gosh! You’re supposed to be a Gentleness Ambassador!”

I’m so far away from the person I want and can be. Practicing Gentleness is a lifelong journey. Though I’ve made improvements along the way, it still doesn’t feel like I’m transforming fast and complete enough.

I want to practice mindfulness. I want to be a caring mother. I want to be a role model, not to show how addicted I am to my phone. Frustration and guilt swelled up in me. Hot tears started pooling in my eyes, threatening to fall off.

A friendlier me sat beside me and gently said, “let’s try something new.”

A Surprising Discovery

During that week, I was trying to finish an writing a long overdue interview article of my fellow authentic business mastermind group mate. He inspired me with his insights on practicing self-forgiveness to release whatever judgments I have on myself and others. He was so detailed in offering an example, complete with the sentences he’d use to forgive himself, that I decided to give it a go.



Bingz Huang
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

Gentleness Coach & Certified MAP Practitioner. I can guide you to feel happy and fulfilled despite life challenges.