How I Wish

Maybe then everyone would love me


How I wish,
I was a feather.
Flying in the air;
weightless, free of worry.
Without expectations, at ease.

How I wish,
I was a wave in the sea,
uncovering mysteries the sea hid from me.
Flowing with the flow,
with no need to choose a path of my own.

How I wish,
I was the moon,
delight to the eyes,
always shining bright,
without needing light of my own!
Maybe then, I could be dear to all.

How I wish,
I was water,
pure, transparent and clear.
Fitting perfectly no matter where I went,
maybe then, I would be content.

How I wish,
I was a cool breeze,
going wherever I pleased.
Calming people with my sweet touch.
Maybe then, everyone would love me.

