How My Love Affair with Cannabis Ended
Finding a way to stay high on life more than substances
I’ll never forget my love affair with cannabis that began when I was twelve years old. Back in the day, long before the foolish war on drugs raged out of control, my parents hired the best babysitters they could afford.
Almost all of them smoked cannabis. At first, I had no idea what the funky smell was. But I could quickly tell that it made our babysitters seemingly very happy. Over time, as life on earth as a child traumatized me, I took my first smoke, and the love affair began.
Cannabis was almost impossible to find and afford as a young boy with an inconsistent allowance. And my meager earnings from mowing lush green lawns, raking small mountains of fallen leaves, and shoveling snow from the walks and driveways of neighbors didn’t go far. But within my limited budget, I could sometimes afford to buy a little cannabis.
Jane’s Warning About Private School
Just before I was sent off to a private school near our family home in New Hampshire, I went to see one of the babysitters I considered a mentor. She was also a young woman who always had cannabis because she was one of the local small-time drug dealers. Let’s call her Jane.