How Often Do You Take the Time to Reflect On What You Like About Yourself

I suspect not often enough. If you’re anything like me, you’re too busy giving yourself an undue hard time for simply being human

Authentic Art
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself


picture of me contemplating my good qualities

For a few minutes, let’s take a break from giving ourselves a hard time. We can always get back to it later, lol.

I’d love you to spend some time reflecting upon what makes you a special human being — those positive qualities you see in yourself that make you a person others would be blessed to have as a friend, a parent, a child, or a life partner.

I’ll Take the Lead

Here’s what I came up with about myself:

  • How hard I work at being the best possible version of myself each and every day.
  • How I love to inspire growth and self-love in others.
  • My ability to connect with the hearts of others, whether through the written word or in face-to-face interactions.
  • My authenticity and willingness to be vulnerable.
  • My sense of humor. It’s a combination of witty, corny, silly, and sweet.

Now It’s Your Turn



Authentic Art
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

Top writer in self-growth and inner child. I love to write because it gets me in touch with myself. Hopefully, it’s also helpful to others. So far, so good!