How Rehab Built My Foundation

Tim Sussmann
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
5 min readMar 25, 2021


Photo by Dan Meyers on Unsplash

At the age of 16, I was sent to inpatient rehab for consuming alcohol, marijuana, and the occasional pain killer. My parents were concerned, they could see my soul was not there as it was when I was a child.

They had caught me lying and pinching dollars from my mother's purse. I was generally opposed to the rules of the house. Their alcohol was somehow tainted with water after months of sitting in the closet. I caused them great concern, and the life they wanted to see for me was slipping away.

My actions forced their hand, they brought me to counselors to see why I was choosing this path, and they said only your son can discover that. Either send your child to rehab, or he will likely have to find it in a rocky bottom addiction himself.

I was numbing myself.

I couldn't take society, I couldn't take the rules, I couldn't take the teachers I didn't respect, and I was taking my power back from everyone by doing something I wasn't supposed to.

It made me feel good and they couldn't stop.

But rehab

I didn't think of that,

They found a way.

I was partially excited when they told me the news. It meant I didn't have to go to school, It meant I had different rules, and I was away from my family; I…



Tim Sussmann
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

Traveler, Ponderer, Wannabe Writer. Hoping to expand my sphere of influence, and be influenced by a greater sphere. @timm_suss_mann