How to Flourish and Bloom When Your Life Falls Apart

Lessons learned from a twenty-something-year-old with a lot going on

Know Thyself, Heal Thyself


A year ago, my life fell apart.

My relationship fell apart, I lost my job, my parents broke up and the pandemic broke out so I was left alone in my one-bedroom flat in Berlin.

One year later, and again, I’ve experienced some tragedy in the past few months coming in and out of the mental clinic due to being diagnosed with schizophrenia and depression.

My world has fallen apart time and time again, but I keep getting up and writing to show people it’s ok to not be ok (what isn’t ok is to be ok by not being ok).

You could say I’ve had my handful of unfortunate events in my life already at 26, where the last year has shown me incredible growth more than anything. You see, what others see as my world falling apart, I see as a chance to flourish and bloom.

I guess you could say this came from my best friend who suddenly passed away at the age of 21 due to mental health issues. His last words to me were to flourish and bloom and ever since that tragedy in my life I have aimed to do so.

Life is always going to fall apart, but it’s up to you to build it back up again with resilience and radiance —…



Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

Tea addict, yoga teacher, well-being coach, passionate writer spreading peace. No-BS advice: focus on well-being.