How to Upgrade the Quality of Your Life in 1 Hour

Seriously. I can’t think of a better 1-hour investment.

Matt Hogan
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself


Matt Hogan Instagram

This isn’t some superficial, temporary, quality of life band-aid—this is a legitimate, long-term solution.

And in one hour’s time, you could be positioned to live a much higher quality of life for days, weeks, months—even years hereafter. With only minor, occasional, deliberate tweaks here and there.

What’s the upgrade? Look no further than to this very screen you’re staring at.

We spend a disproportionate amount of time every day consuming media. More today than we ever have before. And in many cases (like my own), much more than we may even be consciously aware of!

…I’m sorry Screen Time App on my iPhone, I spent how much time on average looking at my screen this week?!

And with this disproportionate amount of time that we spend consuming media every day, comes our disproportionate opportunity.

The Strategy

Want to immediately upgrade the quality of your life in one hour?

Step 1: Unfollow, block, mute, and otherwise remove any and all sources of highly processed, click-baity, shallow, draining, whiney, derogatory content.



Matt Hogan
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

I help busy people do inner work. Specifically find alignment, build discipline, and uncover joy. Read my daily musings at