How’s The View Now?

I hope you’re happy up there.

Ruby Noir 😈
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself


Photo by ArtHouse Studio: Pexels

I built you a pedestal, and you happily climbed it. I never realized how building you up gave you the space to look down on me.

I just kept building.

You climbed and climbed until I became nothing more than a speck. Somewhere beneath you, this annoying thing that carved the stone you stood upon.

Oh well.

I hope that you’re happy up there.

In the place where you forgot about me. In the place where you were only too willing to let me go. In the place I created for you and lost you within. I hope you’re happy.

You let me become a stair in the grand hall you descended into just so you could step on me again and again. It took so long for me to see the grandeur wasn’t real. I’d created it in my mind and in sharing it with you, I created a monster. I was surrounded by the serpents of your anger and when you needed to unleash the venom — I became a willing target.

You weakened me. I became less than a speck. Less than a stair. You stepped on me and poisoned me until I shrunk into nothingness. Staring up at you. Begging for attention. You ate it like the starving “artist” you saw yourself as — from your only true fan.



Ruby Noir 😈
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

14 X’s Top Writer. Vet tech and mom of 6 rescue animals. I speak for those who have no voice.