I Am Half Old

KTHT September Prompt

A. N. Tipton
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself


Photo by Rod Long on Unsplash

I am half old in this body of mine
looking back at when I was one-fifth old
how possibilities loomed ahead
with unbridled passion
with hopes high as the sky
with belief that time never ends

Is my body half empty
or half full
in experience and sorrow
are the joys bigger
or paler
as fine lines and sunspots appear

I am only half old
not quite
but with maybe half to go
if I’m lucky
to see the world grow
into something new or unrecognizable

Did my great grandmother
look around the world
when almost full old
confused and amazed at its complexity
as she tried to convince us to let
her escape the full old people home

I know I am only almost half old
that I can create a new life
again and again
seven rotations at a time
in this construct of time
of cycles repeating



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