I and the Buddha Are One

Then why am I so far away from enlightenment?

Asim Nori
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
2 min readMar 24, 2022


Photo by Sarbajit Sen from Pexels

There is nothing that differentiates me from the Buddha. He did not have anything special that I don’t have.

I and the Buddha are one already.

Then why don’t I feel like the Buddha did?

Why am I so far away from enlightenment?

Because there is something within me that the Buddha didn’t have. There is something within me that keeps me away from realizing my buddha nature.

This something is the deep identification that I have with my mind.

The Buddha used to view this world without the screen of mental-emotional patterns.

I do not.

He used to view this world in its purest form.

I do not.

So, how can I get there?

How can I become conscious of my Buddha-nature?

How can view this world without the screen of my mental structures?

How can I become free of my suffering?

How can I ‘achieve’ enlightenment?

I do that by shifting the focus of my attention away from my thought process and into this very moment.

To this very moment, where the horizontal and the vertical dimensions of space and time intersect.

Where past and future do not exist.

Where the conditioning of my mind is rendered useless.

Where a higher dimension awakens and operates through me.

The Now.

It is here that my mind structures fall away.

It is here that the ego has no power over me.

It is here, in the Now, that I and the Buddha become one.

One with all that is.

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Asim Nori
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

A being on the path of remembrance, sharing experiences along the way.