I Believe In Me

So should you

Know Thyself, Heal Thyself


“I Believe In Me”|© Design by Kiran Kumar

I believe in the power
that’s been bestowed
on me.
I believe in the courage
that I own.
I believe in the truth
that I speak.
I believe in the honesty
that I practice.
I believe in the integrity
that I follow.
I believe,
so should you,
follow my lead…

©Kiran Kumar 6th July 2021
Thank you for reading my poetry.🙏

Thank you, Diana C., for providing me with the opportunity to publish on KTHT. 🙏 💕



Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

I Am: A Mother,Poet,Entrepreneur, Empowerment & Pro-Ageing Advocate, Podcaster, and Speaker. Click the link to find out more: https://linktr.ee/iamkirankumar