Myriam Ben Salem🦋
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
2 min readMay 6, 2021


I can understand and respect your feeling about this sentence, my friend. It is supposed to be thought-provoking and uncomfortable.

I believe that being a good person and "unqualified" to raise balanced future adults are not contradictory for as much.

If most parents were mentally disturbed (narcissists, psychopaths, and co.), our world would have been far more imbalanced, I suppose.

Fortunately, it is not the case and many parents are simply distorted and unaware of their conditioning and resulting damage on their offspring.

Still, it doesn't make them less unqualified for the most difficult job in the world, as far as I am concerned.

I'm a new parent to a baby girl kitten. She adopted me when she was 4 months. She is 10 months now. I made mistakes, felt guilty and ashamed of myself, apologized to her, and learned precious lessons.

I wrote a whole series about her from the very beginning: the moment of our magical connection in the street. Here was the last episode, should it be worthwhile:

It seems to me that what makes a parent qualified is not "never screwing things up"; rather being extremely self-aware, admitting one's shortcomings instantly, and acting accordingly!

My humble impression is that only awakened folks who paid/are paying the price of their soul freedom are capable of such behavior, and I don't have the feeling they're the majority, no matter how unpleasant this truth might sound.

Photo by Andrew Coop on Unsplash



Myriam Ben Salem🦋
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

A fur Momma, animal lover & advocate, lifelong learner, storyteller, edutainer, and published author. I write personal stories and essays.