I Celebrate Love

Short story

Diksha Prashar
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
2 min readJan 25, 2022


Photo by Fadi Xd on Unsplash

Prompt: share something you celebrate about yourself or something you should celebrate about yourself.

Error: ehhhhh…..

It got me thinking.

It really got me thinking. What should I celebrate about myself? Or do I already, do?

Than most unexpectedly one thing that stood out that got me writing this piece is: LOVE. I know you must be thinking how creative and all? Though, isn’t it this one thing got us rolling every day? Come to think of it like really go deeper inside you in that corner and have a chit chat with your true self. That authentic part of us that, only we know and no one else. And ask yourself these simple questions: why do I wake up every day, eat or sleep? Why do I have so many high expectations? Why am I sad by not achieving my aims?

Isn’t the answer obvious? It all because of love, the feeling that got us grooving the happy and sad moments we all cherish is all bind in one single string.

So, I celebrate love for myself, hope for myself, having this beautiful imperfect life but, it’s all mine and no one else. Though, I might feel unhappy at times, lost in this boho world despite of all favorable and uncanny encounters and building all the things I should be doing for myself. It’s all because I love myself, I cherish myself, I started to prioritize my own happiness and because of self-love


NOTE: I hope you love this sweet celebration of love and i hope you will love yourself too, love in all honesty even its hard. Because beautiful things are often hard.

I immensely enjoyed this prompt and writing it thank you ❤ KTHT for this wonderful opportunity.

follow my bog www.dikshaprashar.com

