I Chant “I Love Myself” For 30 Days, Without Believing It, Guess What Happened?

The result made me angry.

Daksh Parmar
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
3 min readFeb 19, 2024


Photo by Giulia Bertelli on Unsplash

The first time I heard a famous speaker Tony Robbins saying:

Your brain believes your word, even when you do not really mean it.

Words have energies, and energy can make your life either miserable or blissful.

I was miserable, and I hated my body and so myself. That time I started hearing bad voices, saying you are not meant to be alive.

Now I realize these bad voices were actually bad energy that attracted me because intentionally or not I always said bad things to myself.

But maybe that little love I received from my mom when I was young, or the blessing I got for helping someone, that tiny good energy still around me, whispered, your soul deserves better.

And that shifts me, into finding ways to make myself better.

After trying and failing many times, sometimes I stopped trying and returned to that miserable place. But that good energy encouraged me again and I tried something that became the first stepping stone for the change I always craved.

Saying words you always wanted to believe

I love myself is the line, I always wanted to believe but I couldn’t because of the current situation I was in.

But the magic part is, that you don’t have to believe, you just have to say it long enough, and your brain will believe it automatically.

YES, It actually works like that!!

When I heard about it, I again couldn’t believe it, how ironic, I couldn’t believe that I didn’t have to believe what I always wanted to believe, that puzzle I would give to someone who annoys me and loves me at the same time.

But believe was a big hurdle and once I realized, that I could move ahead without passing through that hurdle, I gave it a try.

For the first few days, I set an alarm before sleeping and said I LOVE MYSELF DAKSH(My Name) around 100 Times, But I was desperate so increased it to 200 times.

I know that I am saying myself, but saying your name also is very powerful, coz your brain hears that you are talking about yourself, even if you are thinking about something else, or your thoughts are taking to that trauma.

For almost 2 weeks, I was saying it, more like blabbering, but after 2 weeks, I was working on something but it was not going as planned and suddenly I realized that I had not said a bad thing about myself.

It is hilarious to me now, how I got frustrated that I haven’t talked negatively, even tho, things were not going as planned.

Hmm, I started to get suspicious, not wanting to believe that it was because of the saying I love myself. But somewhere inside me, it increased my trust, so I increased the number, whenever I was bored or got a little free time for myself, sometimes looking around, working, and mostly right before sleep.

And right before 30 Days, On the 28th Day, I remember, I woke up having the most beautiful dream ever seen.

In that dream, I was seeing my soul, outside of my body, giving me the warmest and most loving hug ever, saying I love you.

It was hard to believe and sometimes still is. But it made me angry, how my soul craved love for so long and couldn’t give it to him. It must be crying and sobbing seeing me in that situation where I wanted it(there should be a better pronoun for a soul) to be separated. But maybe it’s the last try from the soul telling me, we can have more time in this life.

If you are in a difficult situation, trusting yourself, or not sure where you are, you can start with that. I am pretty sure, you will experience something incredible.

Thank you for reading, and I hope you all have a lovely time with your souls!

