I Confess My Crimes

Based on Spooktober Prompts Edition #Week 4

Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
2 min readOct 25, 2021


Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

My heartbeat became faster,
My breath became restless,
My body heat increased,
I was in the choice of fight-flight response,
When there was a need,
To confess my crimes.

Guilt and shame haunted me,
Like a ghostly silhouette,
That shouted at me,
You have committed crimes.

Struggling in the evil shadows,
I took a brave decision,
To admit and confess,
The crimes I did.

Yet, when I voice out,
I knew I am not a criminal,
I am a learner,
I am here to raise my consciousness,
Not to be nice to everyone,
Not to please everyone,
But to be at peace with myself.

I had hurt people,
But not intentionally,
I did mistakes,
But it was just an accident,
I said no,
But it was good for both of us.

I confess,
My crimes,
My accidental crimes,
These crimes might be butterfly effects,
To stop us,
From making more hazardous crimes,
The previous crimes,
Are not crimes at all,
They are a great lesson for us to learn.

Thank you, Diana C. for your great and amazing prompt. I could bravely confess my “crimes” here. This work is greatly inspired by the wonderful poetry by Sujona Chatterjee’s Where Do You Keep Your Shame? Her thought-provoking poem guided me to write this poetry. Thank you so much, Sujona Chatterjee! Check out her work below.

I’m joining the 30-day challenge with Brown Boi and Ali and this is the 23rd work of this challenge. 23/30 done! One more week to go. ;)

